Friday, January 16, 2009

bak kua

bak kua is a chinese tradisioanal food that made by pork,attention,is pork,non-halal food,so malay no need see already,forever u cannot eat it.

why i suddenly think about bak kua???
because,one day when i walk at gurney plaza,suddenly i saw a row of people Q up-ing,
yoyoyoyo,sure i will be curious and go see what happen,thought got chai shen(money god) come and giv ang pao,if really,i will try act cute so i can get more ang pao from him,hehez...

mana tau,those people is juz Q to buy bak kua,quite disapointed,my ang pao fly away=.=
very wondering how come a bak kua shop can do until like this especially in a shopping mall??lol

yea,like what you see,is LONG KEE bak kua

and it have a song,it is in chinese,so i translate it into inglish,so long time i learn transelation,is time to use it,hohohoho



Wei Wen Ou said...
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Wei Wen Ou said...

guess why they can Q up so long???? haha.... and there is nothing special about the bak kua... and the brand is new... wanna know why??? all because of the price dude.... if i am not mistaken.. i think their promotion is buy 1 and get 1 free.. that means, u buy 1 bak kua then get 1 more for free... that why there are so many people over there and waiting for so long.... this so called... malaysian..... malaysian are willing to do any things if it is "FREE"..... i think i am one of them too.. haha...